
  • Theodoric (454-526 CE), also known as Theodoric the Great, was the King of the Ostrogoths and Ruler of Italy between 493-526 CE and was Regent of the Visigoths from 511-526 CE.
  • His capital was at Ravenna and he conducted a notable rebuilding programme throughout his dominions. Theodoric practised Arianism. His Mausoleum still stands in Ravenna.

Ostrogothic Kingdom (493-553 CE)

  • In 476 CE, the Germanic Soldier Odoacer had replaced the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus, and become Ruler of Italy.
  • In 493 CE King Theodoric killed Odoacer and expanded the Ostrogothic Kingdom from southern Gaul to Serbia. He placed his capital at Ravenna.
  • Between 526-535 CE there followed a series of dynastic disputes until in 538-540 CE Witiges became King.

War with the Byzantine Empire (535-554 CE)

  • The Byzantine Empire under Justinian I conducted a war against the Ostogoths between 535-554 CE, and eventually invaded and took Ravenna, deposing King Witiges in 540 CE.
  • Between 541-552 CE the new King Totila continued to resist from his new capital at Pavia.
  • In 546 CE, after a one year siege, Totila conducted the Third Sack of Rome and carried off the population.
  • The Ostrogothic Kingdom resisted between 540-553 CE, but 554 CE Italy came under Byzantine control, with the exception of certain cities which resisted until 562 CE.
  • However, in 568 CE the Lombards successfully invaded Italy, permanently ending Byzantine influence.



Mausoleum of Theodoric, Ravenna

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