
  • Thessalonica, also known as Thessaloniki, is a Port city in the Central Macedonia Region of eastern Greece.. The Old Town, Ano Poli, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site noted for its buildings from the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
  • After 146 BCE it became the capital of the Roman Province of Macedonia.


  • In 315 BCE, Thessalonica was founded by King Cassander of Macedon who named it after his wife, Thessalonike.
  • In 146 BCE, after the Roman conquest, it became the capital of the Province Macedonia.
  • Thessalonica was an important commercial Port and city on the Via Egnatia, the Roman road between the Aegean and the Adriatic, and it was on another road that ran north into the Balkans.
  • Edict of Thessalonica (380 CE)
    • The Edict of Thessalonica banned all religions in the Roman Empire as being incompatible with Christianity which now became the State Religion.
  • Massacre of Thessalonica (390 CE)
    • The Massacre of Thessalonica occurred when 7,000 of its inhabitants were slaughtered by order of Theodosius I.
  • Byzantine Empire (395-1453 CE)
    • Thessalonica was the second most important city in the Empire after Constantinople.

Roman Sites

  • Rotunda of Galerius (305-311 CE)
    • part of the Roman Imperial Palace in Navarinou Square.
  • Roman Forum
    • The Incantadas, a Caryatid Portico of female sculpted columns supporting the portico, are in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
  • Roman Baths
  • Greek Theatre
  • Arch of Galerius (305-311 CE)
  • Ano Poli (Old Town)
  • Venizelou Metro Station
    • This is a Thessalonica Metro Station which is still under construction until 2023, which will hold an Archeological Park inside the Station.
    • It is the location of the Decumanus Maximus (main road) running along the Via Egnatia with its marble floors and columns lining the road. Rather than move the Site, the Metro was relocated underneath the road.


  • Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki
    • Located at M. Andronikou 6, GR -54621, Thessaloniki.
    • The Museum holds Artefacts from the Classical, Hellenistic and Roman Periods:
      • Statue of Harpocrates (2nd century CE)
      • Gold of Macedon (350-325 BCE)
        • Gold Diadems, gold discs and gold Medusa heads.
      • Derveni Krater (large pottery vase from the 4th century BCE)
      • Derveni Papyrus (5th century BCE)
      • Mosaics

Roman Roads





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