Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

  • ‘Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts’ is a warning that when receiving an act of kindness from someone, watch out in case that person does not have your wellbeing in mind.
  • It was written by Virgil in the Aeneid in c.20 BCE.

Origin of the Phrase

  • In the Aeneid, after the Greeks departed from Troy, they left behind an offering of a Wooden Horse.
  • The Trojans are warned by Laocoon, “Beware of Greeks bearing Gifts”.
  • The Trojans ignored the warning, and hauled the wooden horse inside the city walls and closed the gates.
  • During the night, the Greek soldiers concealed inside the horse emerged and opened the city gates.
  • The Greek fleet had returned during the night and the Greek army then entered Troy and defeated the Trojans.
  • This led to the everyday expression, a Trojan Horse.
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