Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of treatment and healing that has developed over several thousand years in China.
  • It is based on the belief that a life force known as Qi circulates along channels in the body called meridians. Qi is thought to flow from the primary organs to the muscles, joints and bones through these meridians.


  • Traditional Chinese Medicine believes disease and ailments are caused by the blocking of the life force, Qi, and that the cure can be achieved by restoring the balance between opposing forces described as the Eight Principles.
  • Treatment is based on the identification and transformation of ailments using the Eight Principles and then applying the cure.
  • The Eight Principles:
    • Interior and Exterior
    • Hot and Cold
    • Empty and Full
    • Yin and Yang.
  • The Cure:
    • Diet
    • Physical exercise
    • Meditation
    • Herbal Therapy
    • Massage
    • Acupuncture.
  • There are strong similarities between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine which was based on the Theory of the Four Humours and continued in practice right up until the 1800’s in the West.


  • Acupuncture is the practice of inserting small needles into the skin and forms part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


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