Traprain Law

  • Traprain Law is a Hill Fort or Oppidum located at Haddington, 20 miles (32km) east of Edinburgh in Scotland.
  • It was the capital of the Votadini and consisted of hundreds of roundhouses.


  • The Votadini were a Celtic Tribe who lived between Hadrian's Wall and the Antonine Wall (c.138-c.408 CE) and had their capital at Traprain Law.
  • In 142 CE The Frontier was moved up from Hadrian's Wall to the Antonine Wall, which was built between 138-142 CE. This area then became a Roman Province for twenty years.
  • In 162 CE, the Antonine Wall was decommissioned, and the Frontier returned to Hadrian's Wall.
  • Between 162-c.408 CE, the Votadini are thought to have been a Roman Client Kingdom until the Romans left Britannia in c.408 CE.
  • They continued as an independent kingdom until invaded by the Angles in c.600 CE.

Traprain Treasure

  • The Taprain Treasure was discovered in 1919 whilst excavating Traprain Law, and is one of the largest Roman Hoards found outside the boundaries of the Roman Empire.
  • It consists of 160 pieces of Roman Silver Plate weighing 21 kgs (770 oz) and cut up into small pieces. Four coins of the Emperors Valens 364-378 CE Arcadius 395-408  CE and Honorius 395-423 CE date the Find to the final decades of the Roman occupation of Britannia.
  • The Silver may have been war booty from raids below Hadrian's Wall, or payment received for protecting the southern Provinces from sea-borne raids after the Roman Legions left in 408 CE.


Taprain Law

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