Trojan War

  • In Greek Mythology, the Trojan War was a ten year siege of Troy by the Achaeans.
  • Described by Homer in the Iliad, Greek and Roman education was based on learning this mythology.


  • Eratosthenes dated the Trojan War between 1194-1184 BCE. The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed the Fall of Troy to have been a historical event.

The Iliad

  • The Iliad was considered to be a myth until Heinrich Schliemann excavated the Ruins of Troy in May 1873 and discovered the treasures of the ancient city buried under subsequent layers.
  • The Iliad covers the final few weeks of the ten year Siege of Troy.
  • Homer followed the Iliad with the Odyssey. It describes the ten year Journey of Odysseus (Ulysses, in Roman mythology) to return to his home at Ithaca after the fall of Troy.

The Trojan War

  • Described in the Iliad, by the Ancient Greek Epic Poet, Homer, in Dactylic Hexameter.
  • The war was conducted between the Achaeans and the Trojans.
  • The war was caused by the abduction of Helen of Troy, the wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta, by Prince Paris of Troy.

The Achaeans

  • They consist of the Hellenes, the Danaans and the Argives:
    • Agamemnon: King of Mycenae
    • Achilles: leader of the Myrmidons
    • Odysseus: King of Ithaca
    • Ajax the Greater: Son of Telamon
    • Menelaus: King of Sparta, married to Helen, and Agamemnon’s Brother
    • Diomedes: King of Argos
    • Ajax the Lesser
    • Patroclus
    • Nestor: King of Pylos

The Trojans

  • The Trojan Men:
    • Hector: King Priam’s Son
    • Aeneas: Anchises’ and aphrodite’s Son
    • Deiphobus: Hector’ and Paris’ Brother
    • Paris: Helen of Troy‘s abductor
    • Priam: King of Troy
    • Polydamas: Commander
    • Agenor: Trojan warrior who contests Achilles
    • Sarpedon: son of Zeus
    • Glauchus: son of Hippolochus
    • Euphorbus: wounds Patroclus
    • Dolon: a spy
    • Antenor: Adviser who recommends returning Helen
    • Polydorus: Priam’s Son
    • Pandarus: Lycaon’s Son
  • The Trojan Women:
    • Hecuba: King Priam’s Wife
    • Helen of Troy: wife of King Menelaus of Sparta and daughter of Zeus
    • Andromache: Hector’s Wife
    • Cassandra: Priam’s Daughter
    • Brisels: A Trojan Woman captured by Achilles.


Ruins of Troy

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