Tropic of Capricorn

  • The Tropic of Capricorn is a Parallel of Latitude at 23 degrees, 26 minutes and 14 seconds south of the Equator.
  • It is the most southerly Latitude below the Equator, where the Sun appears directly overhead at the Summer Solstice.

The Earth’s Tilt

  • At the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, the Sun is directly overhead on the Solstices, June 21 and December 21, marking the beginning of Summer and Winter.
  • The Tropics are Parallels of Latitude both situated at 23.5° latitude, because the Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5°.

The Tropics

  • The area between these two Parallels is known as the ‘Tropics’.
  • The Tropics do not experience any significant Seasons, as the Sun is always so high in the sky and the temperatures remain the same throughout the year.

Tropic of Cancer

  • The Tropic of Cancer lies at 23.5 degrees, 16 minutes and 16 seconds sorth of the Equator.


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