Twelve Apostles

  • The Twelve Apostles were the first Disciples who either chose to follow Jesus or were chosen by him, according to the New Testament.

The Twelve Apostles

  1. Simon the Apostle
    • named Peter the Apostle. Buried underneath Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.
  2. Andrew the Apostle
    • Simon’s brother. His relics are kept in the Basilica of St. Andrew, Patras, Greece Achaea.
  3. James the Apostle
    • the son of Zebedee. His Tomb is in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, La Coruna, Spain.
  4. John the Apostle
    • James’ brother. His Tomb is at Ephesus, Turkey.
  5. Philip the Apostle
    • His Tomb is in the St. Philip Martyrium, Hierapolis (near Denizli), Turkey.
  6. Bartholomew the Apostle
    • The St. Bartholomew Monastery in Baskale, Turkey, is built over the site where he was martyred.
  7. Thomas the Apostle
  8. Matthew the Apostle
    • Matthew, the Tax Collector.
  9. James the Apostle
    • son of Alphaeus.
  10. Thaddaeus the Apostle
  11. Simon the Apostle
    • the Zealot.
  12. Judas Iscariot
    • notorious for having betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin Council of Priests to stand Trial, for 30 pieces of silver.
    • after his suicide, the remaining 11 apostles then voted to replace him with Matthias.

Other Apostles in the New Testament

  1. Saul or Paul of Tarsus
  2. Barnabus
  3. Andronicus and Junia
  4. Silas
  5. Timothy
  6. Epaphroditus
  7. Apollos

The 70 Disciples or Apostles

  • Mentioned only in the Gospel of St. Luke, these were representatives chosen by Jesus and sent out in pairs on specific missions named in the Gospel.


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