
  • The Vedas are religious texts of ancient India and considered to be the oldest Scriptures of Hinduism.

The Vedas

  1. Samhitas (1700-110 BCE), divided into 4 Vedic Groups:
    1. Rig-Veda
    2. Sama-Veda
    3. Yajur-Veda
    4. Atharva-Veda
  2. Brahmanas
    • These are commentaries on each of the Samhitas.
  3. Aranyakas
    • These are Rituals and discussions of Rituals.
  4. Mukhya Upanishads
    • These are the last chapters of the Vedas whose object is to reveal the highest purpose of the Vedas.
  • Post Vedic Literature:
    • Vedanga
    • Parisista
    • Upaveda
    • Fifth and other Vedas
    • Puranas


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