Via Claudia Augusta

  • The Via Claudia Augusta was a Roman Road completed in c.46 CE, that ran across the Alps between Italy, Austria and Germany. It is now used as a cycle Route to cross the Alps.
  • The road ran from Altinum in Italy via the Reschen Pass and Fern Pass in Austria to reach Augsburg in Germany. A later road ran through the Brenner Pass.



  • The road was 434 miles (700km) long, linking Italy and the Po valley through Austria to Germany, via the Fern Pass and Reschen Pass.
  • It had two branches, one started at Ostiglia on the River Po, the other started at Altinum on the Adriatic. The two roads united at Trento (Tridentium), then crossed over the Alps using the Passes to reach Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum).
  • Later in the second century CE, a Roman Road was also laid through the Brenner Pass.

The Route

    • Donauworth
    • Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum)
    • Landsberg
    • Schongau
    • Fussen
    • Pflach
    • Lermoos
    • Fern Pass
    • Imst
    • Starkenbach
    • Zams
    • Landeck
    • Fliess
    • Prutz
    • Tosens
    • Pfunds
    • Finstermunz
    • Nauders
    • Reschen Pass
    • St. Valentin

Cycle Route


Reschen Pass

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