Vigiles Urbani

  • The Vigiles Urbani was a Roman Fire Brigade created to protect Rome and the ports of Ostia and Portus.
  • They had pumps, buckets, hooks for pulling down burning material, picks, mattocks, axes and operated a water pump called a Siphon.


  • The Vigiles were created by Augustus in circa 6-7 BCE, to form a Fire Brigade at the same time as Rome’s Police Force, the Cohortes Urbanae.
  • Their organisation was copied from the Fire Brigade of Alexandria, in Egypt.
  • To pay for it, Augustus levied a Tax on the sale of Slaves of 4%.


  • Prefectus Vigilum
    • The Prefectus Vigilum was the Commander, who was an Equestrian
  • SubPraefectus
    • To assist the Prefect.
  • Brigade
    • The Brigade had an approximate force of 3,500 men.
    • The Brigade was divided into 7 Cohorts.
  • Cohort
  • Century
    • Each Century had between 70-80 men.
    • Vexillatio of four centuries was sent for a tour of duty of four months to Portus and Ostia.


Portus and Ostia

  • A Vexillatio of four centuries was sent for a tour of duty of four months to both harbours.
  • Two centuries were based at Portus and another two at Ostia.
  • Their role would have been to protect the large number of Warehouses, where Goods for shipping were held.


  • The Vigiles had pumps, buckets, hooks (for pulling down burning material), picks, mattocks and axes.
  • They used Ballistae for knocking down burning houses and creating firebreaks.
  • They also operated a Siphon.

The Crew

  • Milites
    • The Vigiles were called Milites (soldiers)
    • They were issued with buckets, hooks, pumps and axes. They could use Ballistae to knock down burning houses. Householders were also required to have firefighting equipment.
  • Siphonarius
    • He operated a water pump with an Aquarius who supervised the supply of water.
  • Medicii
    • There were four doctors attached to each cohort.
  • Vicitimarii
    • There were also priests in each cohort.


  • Rome’s Firemen
    • The Vigiles had a ‘Sypho’, a fire engine team of horses with a cart containing a reservoir of water and a pump. They also carried buckets, and formed teams to pass water from the water fountain bowls.
    • They also enforced the fire regulations, every household was obliged to keep a supply of water in the event of a fire. Citizens could be beaten if they were found not to have conformed.
  • Nightwatchmen
    • The Vigiles operated primarily at night.
    • Apart from watching for fires, the Vigiles also had to maintain order. They raised the alarm in case of riots, caught runaway Slaves, and acted as a deterrence to petty crime.

Great Fire of Rome (64 CE)

  • The Vigiles were unable to control the Great Fire of Rome that lasted for 6 days.
  • Almost one third of Rome was burnt.
  • As a result, Nero passed new fire regulations to provide the Vigiles with greater access to water.
  • The regulations prohibited shared walls between newly built properties, all new buildings had to be built in brick and wide Boulevards were created to isolate future fires.


Saepta Julia, Rome

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