Villa of the Quintilii

  • The Villa of the Quintilii is the ruin of an extensive Roman Villa near Rome.
  • It is located 5 miles (8km) outside of Rome along the Via Appia.


  • It was a Villa Urbana, a weekend or holiday villa, located near to the city, rather than a Villa rustica. The villa was the size of a small town.
  • It was built during Hadrian‘s reign (117-138 CE) by two brothers, Sextus Quintillius Valerius Maximus (Consul 151 CE) and Sextus Quintilius Condianus (Consul 180 CE).
  • However, in 182 CE Commodus commandeered the villa after executing the brothers and built a private Hippodrome in the grounds.

The Site

  • The site holds a Nymphaeum, the Hall of the Tepidarium, Baths, the remains of Commodus’ Circus and a recently excavated Winery.
  • The villa Museum holds sculptures, marble friezes and other Finds excavated from the villa.


Villa of the Quintilli

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