Villa Romana del Casale


  • The huge villa was built on the scale of a palace, and was part of a large Latifundium.
  • It was mentioned as the Filosofiana in the Antonine Itinerary (4th century CE).

Roman Mosaics

  • The villa holds an almost unique collection of well preserved and highly detailed Roman Mosaics.
    • Hunting Mosaic
      • One mosaic depicts a hunt showing wild animals, such as lions, being captured and transported in ships.
    • Athletics Mosaic
      • Another mosaic depicts an athletic competition, including ten women athletes who are all wearing the Bikini.
    • Roman Skiers
      • The Mosaic depicts a man on what appears to be a pair of skis. Mount Etna is nearby and is covered in snow for several months of the year.


Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily

330 CE
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