
  • The Visigoths were a Germanic Tribe who appeared during the Late Roman Empire (284-476 CE).


  • They defeated a Roman Army at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE and conducted the First Sack of Rome in 410 CE.
  • Between 418-507 CE they established a Visigothic Kingdom in Gaul, known as Septimania, and another in Spain which lasted until 711 CE

Alaric and the First Sack of Rome (410 CE)

  • Under King Alaric (395-410 CE) the Visigoths invaded Greece in 395 CE, but were defeated.
  • Alaric then invaded Italy in 401 CE, where he was opposed by the Roman General Stilicho until a Peace Treaty was concluded in c.405 CE.
  • Alaric returned to Italy and conducted the First Siege of Rome in 408 CE and the Second Siege of Rome in 409 CE.
  • In 410 CE, Alaric conducted the Third Siege and the First Sack of Rome, although there was no massacre. He was obliged to march home after his fleet was wrecked.



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