
Sabaean Kingdom

  • Between 26-5 BCE, the Prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, took two Legions for his campaign against Arabia Felix in the Yemen.
  • Strabo records that this expedition departed with 130 ships from the Port of Myos Hormos.
  • After this campaign the Sabaean Kingdom became a Roman Client Kingdom.
  • Its Capital was at Marib, near the modern Capital of Sana’a, (altitude 7,500 ft), one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
  • The main port of the Sabaean Kingdom was Aden, known as ‘Eudaemon’, a city built inside the crater of an extinct volcano.
  • The Sabaeans conducted Trade with Egypt, Arabia, Azania (East Africa), India across the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf and China.
  • The Sabaean Kingdom was at one end of the Incense Road, along which it exported in Frankincense and Myrrh into the Mediterranean and Persia.





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