
  • Zaragoza is a cathedral city located on the river Ebro at the confluence with the river Huerva, in the Autonomous Community of Aragon in northern Spain.
  • It was the Roman city of CaesarAugusta, in the Province of Hispania Tarraconensis.


  • CaesarAugusta was founded by Augustus between 25-11 BCE, to settle the Roman veteran soldiers from the Cantabrian Wars.
  • Caesaraugusta was a thriving city, both during and after the Roman Empire.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Walls of Zaragoza
    • The Walls were built between the 1st-3rd century CE, are intact, 1.8 miles (3,000m) long and have 120 towers.
  • Roman Theatre (see Museum below)
  • Roman Baths (see Museum below)
  • Roman Port (see Museum below)


  • Museo de Zaragoza
    • The museum holds artefacts from all periods of history, including the Roman period.
  • Museo de las Termas Publicas de Caesaraugusta
    • Museum on the site of the Roman Baths.
  • Museo del Teatro de Caesaraugusta
    • Museum on the site of the Roman Theatre which held 6,000 spectators.
  • Museo del Puerto Fluvial de Caesaraugusta
    • Museum on the site of the River Port of Caesaraugusta.
  • Museo del Foro de Caesaraugusta
    • Museum on the site of the Roman Forum of Caesaraugusta.

Roman Roads


Roman Theatre, Zaragoza

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