
  • Aquileia is a port town in Italy on the edge of the Lagoons on the River Natiso, a few miles from the Adriatic. It is in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region of Italy and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • It was founded as the port of Aquileia by the Romans in c.181 BCE and has retained the same name. It was located in Italia. It is one of the largest Roman cities to have been excavated, which had a population of 100,000 in the 2nd century CE.


  • It was the Terminus of the Amber Road from the Baltic.
  • In 181-180 BCE Aquileia was founded as a Roman Colony.
  • Its purpose was to be a Frontier Fortress for northeastern Italy, a Civic Centre for the Veneti Tribe and to control the Amber Trade into the Adriatic.
  • In circa 90 BCE it became a Municipium.
  • By the second century CE it had a population of 100,000.
  • In 168 CE the city was used as the Base for the Marcomannic Wars (168-180 CE) by Marcus Aurelius.

Roman Sites

  • The Archeological Remains of Aquileia
    • The city Remains can be seen in the three museums, the National Archeological Museum of Aquileia, the Paleochristian Museum and the Civic Museum of the Patriarchate.
    • It is the largest Roman City to have been excavated and is a Unesco World Heritage Site.
  • Aquileia cathedral
    • Built over a Roman Site, the cathedral floors hold Roman Mosaics.


  1. Aquileia National Archeological Museum
    • Via Roma, 1, 33051 Aquileia.
    • The Museum holds over 2,000 inscriptions, statues, mosaics, coins, glassware and other artefacts.
  2. Paleochristian Museum
    • A Museum built over the site of the early Christian Basilica of Fondo Tullio with mosaic floors.
  3. Civic Museum of the Patriarchate
  4. Archeological Area and Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia (4th century CE)
    • This site holds the Remains of the Roman Forum. The floor of the Basilica holds a rare collection of well preserved and intact Roman mosaics.

Roman Roads


Aquileia National Archeological Museum

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