Arches of Ancient Rome

  • The Roman Triumphal Arch was a stand-alone arch that usually spanned a road and was decorated with carvings and reliefs and carried celebratory inscriptions.
  • There were 36 Triumphal Arches in Ancient Rome, but today only 3 have survived.

Triumphal Arches in Rome that still stand

  1. Arch of Titus (81 CE)
  2. Arch of Septimius Severus (203-5 CE)
  3. Arch of Constantine (315 CE)

Other Arches in Rome that still stand

  • Arch of Dolabella (10 CE)
    • The Arch of Dolabella still survives and was one of the 16 Gates in the Servian Wall of Rome.
  • Arch of Gallienus (262 CE)
    • This also is intact, and is known as the Porta Esqualina, one of the 16 Gates in the Servian Wall of Rome.
  • Arcus Argentariorum (204 CE)
    • The Arch of the Bankers was built in 204 CE and is located in the Forum Boarium in Rome.
    • It was incorporated into the church of San Giorgio al Velabro during the 7th century CE.
  • Arch of Janus (4th century CE)
    • Located in the Forum Boarium in Rome, it is a cubic arch with a gate on each side built over a crossroads. Each of the four piers has six niches for statues (no longer in existence).

Famous Arches that are no longer extant


Arch of Constantine

315 CE
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