Burgh Island

  • Burgh Island is a tidal island in the English Channel located 820 ft (250m) opposite the village of Bigbury-on-sea in the County of Devon, England.
  • It is accessed by a Sea Tractor at high tide which drives passengers across the submerged causeway with its wheels underwater.


  • Burgh Island holds five buildings, the Burgh Island Art Deco Hotel which operates the Sea Tractor, the Pilchard Inn and three private houses.

The Erme Ingots

  • A group of 44 Tin Ingots were found in 1992 on the bed of the River Erme Estuary, 3 miles (5km) to the west of Burgh Island, which are thought to be either from the Bronze Age or Iron Age.
  • Their date is not confirmed, as no wreck timbers were found. The Ingots are now in the Royal Albert Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter.
  • The Ingots are round, oval and two are H-shaped, which would match the description by Diodorus Siculus (c.90-30 BCE) of Ingots from the Tin Islands of southwest Britain in the 1st century BCE.


Burgh Island

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