Count of the Saxon Shore

  • The Count of the Saxon Shore, in Latin: ‘Comes Littoris Saxonici per Britanniam’, was the Roman Commander of the Saxon Shore Forts.
  • This was a chain of naval forts around the southeastern coast of Britain, from Portsmouth Harbour to the Wash, which protected Britannia from piratical attacks.

The Three Military Commanders in Britannia (c.400 CE)

  1. The Count of the Saxon Shore.
    • His base is not listed, but may have been Dover.
  2. The Duke of the Wall
    • His opposite number in the north was the Roman Commander of Hadrian’s Wall, the ‘Dux Britanniarum’ or ‘Duke of the Wall’, based at York in the Fortress of the Legio VI Victrix.
  3. Comes Britanniarum
    • A third commander, the ‘Comes Britanniarum’, controlled a mobile field army of six cavalry units and three infantry units numbering approximately 6,000. This was independent of the three main legions.

The Saxon Shore Forts

  • The Saxon Shore Forts are mentioned in the fourth century CE document, the Notitia Dignitatum.
  • They were a chain of Sea Forts around southeastern Britain, whose function was to defend the towns along the estuaries of rivers and the coastline from pirate attacks by seaborne invaders.
  • The Classis Britannica ‘CLBR’ was the Roman Navy in Britain, who were based at each Fort.
  • The Count’s headquarters is unknown, although it may have been at Dover or possibly London.


Dover Roman Lighthouse

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