Cry Wolf

  • To Cry Wolf is an everyday expression meaning that if you continually lie to get attention, you will only succeed in being ignored completely.
  • The expression comes from one of Aesop's Fables, ‘The Ass and the Purchaser’. Aesop lived between c. 620-560 BCE.

Aesop’s Fable: ‘The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf’

  • A shepherd boy was looking after a flock of sheep, but became bored. To amuse himself, he repeatedly went to the nearby village and pretended a wolf was attacking his sheep.
  • The villagers rushed out each time to chase away the wolf, only to discover that they had been hoaxed.
  • Finally, a real wolf appeared and started to eat the sheep. The shepherd boy ran back to the villagers, crying wolf, but they ignored him, and all the sheep were eaten.
  • The moral of the story is that those who repeatedly tell lies, run the risk that eventually, no one will believe them.


Everyday Expressions that come from Aesop
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