Damnatio Memoriae

  • Damnatio Memoriae was a Decree by the Roman Senate to condemn the collective memory of a Roman Emperor and ‘Abolitio Nominis’ was the erasure of his name and images.


  • Abolitio Nominis:
    • The Emperor’s name was erased from inscriptions on Monuments, whilst Portraits were destroyed and Statues and Sculptures were changed to represent other figures.
    • Sometimes the Roman Senate would reverse the Damnatio Memoriae at a later date.
    • However if the Emperor was accepted as a God the Roman Senate passed a different Decree:
  • Apotheosis:
    • This was a Decree by the Roman Senate where the Emperor was considered to have risen to Heaven and recognised to have become a God. This formed part of the Worship of the Imperial Cult of the Roman Emperor.

Roman Emperors who received Damnatio Memoriae

Roman Emperors who narrowly escaped Damnatio Memoriae

  • Caracalla
    • When he died in 217 CE, the Senate had to deify him in 218 CE, due to his popularity with the Legions.
    • Instead of a Damnatio Memoriae his statues and busts were discreetly removed.


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