
  • Edessa was located in the modern city of Urfa, also known as Sanliurfa, in Turkey.
  • It was an important centre of early Christianity and had its own Bishop. It was in Upper Mesopotamia.


  • Edessa became a Greek city under the Seleucid Empire (312-63 BCE), then Capital of the Kingdom of Osrhoene, and continued to flourish under the Roman and Byzantine Empires.
  • In 217 CE Caracalla, considered to have been the Roman Empire’s most tyrannical Emperor, was assassinated on the road between Edessa and Carrhae.

Battle of Edessa (260 CE).

  • In 260 CE, Edessa was the site of the Battle between the Persian King Shapur I and the Roman Emperor Valerian.
  • The Romans lost the battle and the entire Roman army of 60,000, including the Roman Emperor, were taken into captivity and never returned.

Mandylion of Edessa

  • The Mandylion Icon of Edessa was a shroud that was believed to hold the image of Jesus.


  • Sanliurfa Archeology and Mosaic Museum
    • Located at Haleplibahce caddesi, Sanliurfa, it is an archeological museum in two sections:
      • The Mosaic section
        • which includes the Mosaic of Orpheus (184 CE).
      • The Archeology section
        • which includes Finds from all periods of history including nearby Gobekli Tepe and Harran (Carrhae).



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