Gulf of Lion

  • The Gulf of Lion (Golfe du Lion) extends around the Mediterranean Sea from the Spanish Border, along the coast of Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence to Toulon.
  • It was known to the Romans as Sinus Leonis.


  • The coastline from the Spanish border northwards consists of lagoons (etangs) and salt marshes,
  • The Etang de Bages-Sigean near Narbonne holds pink flamingos.

The Camargue

  • The Camargue is located between the two arms of the Rhone forming the Rhone delta south of Arles.
  • It has been home to the Camargue horse for thousands of years, and the Camargue cattle.
  • There is a large colony of Pink Flamingos in the Camargue.


  • The Rivers draining into the Gulf are the:
    • Tech, Tet, Aude, Orb, Herault, Vidourle, and the Rhone.


  • The Mistral
    • This wind blows down the Rhone valley from the northwest, and is a dry, cold wind that can reach over 100 mph (185 kph).
  • The Tramontane
    • Meaning, ‘over the mountains’, this is also a dry, cold wind that resembles the Mistral, but blows along the corridor between the Pyrenees and the Massif Central.


Gulf of Lion, France

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