
  • The Archeological site of Herculaneum is located in the town of Ercolano in the Campania Region of southern Italy. It is 6 miles (10km) southeast of Naples.
  • 25 % of Herculaneum has been excavated, after being buried under the volcanic ash of Mount Vesuvius during the eruption of 79 CE. Herculaneum was well preserved by the volcanic ash but is now succumbing to rising sea levels.

Roman Sites

  • Parco Archeologico di Ercolano
    • Archeological Park of Herculanium.
  • Villa of the Papyri
    • The villa was buried under the lava and when excavated, the villa library revealed burnt 2,000 scrolls. After careful restoration it was found that many of the Works were by Epicurus (341-270 BCE).


Nearby Sites


Herculaneum, Naples

79 CE
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