Hispania Citerior

  • Hispania Citerior (nearer Spain) and Hispania Ulterior (further Spain) were the two Roman divisions of Spain, which was acquired during the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE)
  • Hispania Citerior (Nearer Spain) was the Ebro area: Aragon, Cataluna, Valencia, and a large part of Castilla la Neuva.

Hispania was Carthaginian Territory until 206 BCE

  • In 218 BCE Hannibal landed here with 37 elephants and proceeded to invade Italy via Gaul.

Acquisition by Rome (206 BCE)

  • In 206 BCE, the Battle of Llipia, resulted in the defeat of the Carthaginian armies in Hispania.

A Province of the Roman Republic (197-14 BCE)

  • This was a Republican Province which included the Balearic Islands.
  • Under the Roman Republic Spain was divided into:
    • Hispania Citerior (Nearer Spain)
      • Ebro area: Aragon, Cataluna, Valencia, a large pat of Castilla la Neuva
    • Hispania Ulterior (Further Spain)
      • Guadalquivir area: Portugal, Andalusia, Extremadura, Leon, a large part of Castilla la Vieja, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, El Pais Vasco.

Early Timeline of this Province

  • In 197 BCE, a Revolt by the Turdetani in southern Spain was followed by the Celtiberians in the North and East of Spain.
  • In 195 BCE, Cato the Elder became Consul and ordered a suppression of the Rebellion.
  • In 194 BCE Cato the Elder returned to Rome leaving behind 2 Praetors, one for each Province.

Iberia divided into 3 Provinces (14 BCE)



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