Legio II Adiutrix

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Britannia (71-87 CE)

  • 71 CE The Legion was sent to Britannia with the new Governor Quintus Petilius Cerialis.
  • Either Based at Lindum (Lincoln) first and then Deva (Chester) with the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, or vice versa.
  • 71-74 CE Campaigned against the Revolt of Venutius, Leader of the Brigantes.
  • The Legion was used to man Forts in Wales and England, possibly whilst the Twentieth was away.
  • 86-7 CE A Vexillation was based briefly at Inchtuthil Legionary Fortress in Scotland.
  • 87 The Legion was sent to the Danube.

Posting in Pannonia Inferior (c.87-c.269 CE)

  • 87 or 106-269 CE Based in Aquincum (Budapest, Hungary)
  • c.87-96 CE A Unit based at Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia)
  • 88-106 CE Campaigned in the Dacian Wars and in 106 CE helped lay siege to the Dacian Capital, Sarmisegetusa.
  • 162-66 CE Campaigned in the Parthian Wars.
  • 166-180 CE Campaigned in the Marcomannic Wars
  • 193 CE After the assassination of Pertinax the Legion supported Septimius Severusas Emperor.
  • 213 CE Campaigned under Caracalla against the Alemanni.
  • 238 CE Campaigned under Gordian against the Sassanid Empire.
  • 269 CE Possibly campaigned under Claudius II against the Visigoths.



Aquincum, Budapest

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