Legio III Cyrenaica

  • The Legio III Cyrenaica was founded between 43-31 BCE.
  • It was based in BostraArabia Petraea between 106-400 CE.

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Egypt (30 BCE-106 CE)

  • 30 BCE-c.35 CE The Legion was based in Upper Egypt, possibly at Thebes. There were units at Berenice, Upper Egypt on the Red Sea, probably guarding the road and mines between Berenice and Coptos.
  • 26-5 BCE The Roman Prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, possibly took the Legion for his campaign against Arabia Felix (The Yemen). During his absence, the Kushan kingdom attacked Upper Egypt.
  • 24 BCE Gallus sent the Egyptian Legions to attack Kush. Under the General Gaius Petronius, they followed the Nile and reached and sacked the Kushan Capital, Napata. After this, Kush did not attack again for three hundred years.
  • Possibly, as early as 7-11 CE, the Legion was transferred to the Double Fortress at Nicopolis in Alexandria, and definitely by 35 CE.
  • 63 CE Corbulo used a unit of the Legion in his War against the Parthians.
  • 66-70 CE The Legion campaigned in Judaea during the First Jewish-Roman War and besieged Jerusalem.
  • 90 CE A Vexillatio of the Legio III built a bridge in Coptos and probably had a base there.
  • 106 CE The Legion moved to Bostra in Arabia Petraea. It was replaced in Nicopolis, Alexandria, by the Legio II Traiana Fortis.

Posting in Arabia Petrae (106-400 CE)




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