Legio IIII Italica

  • The Legio IIII Italica was probably founded by Severus Alexander in 231 CE.
  • Very little is known about this Legion. It was based at Mainz between 231-238 CE.

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Germania Superior (231-238 CE)

  • 231 CE Based in Mainz (Moguntiacum) (231-238 CE)
  • 235 CE Declared their Commander, Maximinus I as Emperor.
  • 235-238 CE Campaigned against the Germanic Tribes.
  • 235-238 CE: Campaigned on the Danube under Maximinus I, against the Germanic Tribes.
  • 242-244 CE: Campaigned in Mesopotamia under Gordian III, in his Parthian Campaign.
  • 269 CE: If it was still located in Mainz, the Legion may have formed part of Postumus breakaway Gallic Empire (264-270 CE).


  • Very little is known about this Legion. It is last mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum (c.400 CE) as being located in the Eastern Empire.


Moguntiacum, Mainz

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