Legio XIV Gemina

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

  • Gallic Wars (58-51 CE)
    • 58-51 BCE Campaigned under Julius Caesar during the Gallic Wars.
    • 54 BCE Campaigning in Gaul and were almost destroyed by Ambiorix, leader of the Eburones in Belgium.
    • 53 BCE The Legion was reconstituted and Julius Caesar set out to avenge their destruction; he defeated or forced into an alliance all the surrounding tribes, and entered Germany to dissuade those tribes from helping. He then surrounded and erased the Eburones completely as a Race. There was only one survivor, Ambiorix, who escaped to Germany.

Posting in Britannia (43-69 CE)

Battle of Watling Street

  • 60-1 CE During Boudicca's Revolt, the Legion made a successful and historical Stand with the 10,000 men and Auxiliaries of the Legion at the Battle of Watling Street against Boudicca’s 230,000 men, according to Tacitus and Cassius Dio.
  • 67 CE It was sent to Pannonia, as part of Nero‘s planned war against the Parthian Empire. However, when Nero committed suicide, the war was cancelled. The Legion then remained in Pannonia before being ordered back to Britannia.

Posting in Germania Superior (69-70 – 92 CE)

  • 69-70 CE The Legion was ordered to leave Britannia and suppress the Batavian Revolt. It marched along the Via Belgica from Boulogne to Cologne and the Revolt was crushed.
  • 69-70 CE It never returned to Britannia and instead, was moved to Mainz (Moguntiacum).
  • 70-92 CE The Legion was involved in every German Campaign during this period.

Posting in Pannonia Superior (92 – c.430 CE)


  • The Legion was still based at Carnuntum when the Frontier was overrun in 430 CE.


Carnuntum-Petronell, Austria (Ruins)

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