
  • Lillebonne is a town located on the river Commerce or Bolbec, 3.5 miles (5km) north of the river Seine and 24 miles (38km) east of Le Havre. It is in the Normandy Region of France.
  • It was originally the Oppidum of the Caletes Gallic Tribe. It became Juliobonna under the Romans and in 22 BCE became part of the Province of Gallia Lugdunensis.


  • Lillebonne (Juliobona) was an important military and commercial port that traded with Britannia.
  • The Roman Artefacts from Lillebonne are mostly in the Rouen Museum of Antiquities.
  • A Bronze head of Apollo from Lillebonne is displayed in the Louvre in Paris.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Amphitheatre
    • A half Amphitheatre with seating for 3,000 spectators.
  • Roman Baths

Roman Roads

Nearby Sites

  • Harfleur (Caracotinum)
    • The town is located 3 miles (5km) east of Le Havre, and was the Roman Port of Caracotinum, capital of the Caletes Gallic Tribe, which was linked by the River Seine and Roman Roads to Rouen, Paris and Troyes.


Roman Amphitheatre, Lillebonne

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