
  • Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, known as Macrobius, (370-430 CE) was a Late Roman Author.
  • He wrote Saturnalia, a commentary on the Ancient Roman Religion. Very little is known about his life.


  • Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis:
    • ‘Commentary on the Dream of Scipio’ as told by Cicero. The elder Scipio appears in a dream and discusses the nature of the Universe from the Neo-Platonic and Stoic perspective. Widely read during the Medieval Period.
  • Saturnalia:
    • This is a commentary on the Ancient Roman Religion. It is written in the form of a Dialogue between learned men during the festival of Saturnalia.
  • De differentis et societatibus graeci latinique verbi:
    • ‘On the Differences and Similarities of the Greek and Latin Verb (Lost)
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