
  • Noviodunum was a Roman fort and port on the lower Danube located 1 mile (2km) east of Isaccea in modern Roumania.
  • It was located in the Province of Moesia Inferior

Legio I Jovia

  • The Legio I Jovia, also known as Legio I Jovia Scythica, was founded by Diocletian between 284-305 CE.
  • Between c.284-c.400 CE the Legion was based at Noviodunum in Roumania.

Classis Moesica

  • The Classis Moesica was the Roman Navy River Fleet of the Lower Danube in the province of Moesia Inferior.
  • Classis means Fleet in Latin. The fleet operated between the Iron Gates on the Danube, to Chersonesus Taurica (The Crimea) from 41 CE.
  • From 10 CE onwards the Fleet was based at Noviodunum, with detachments based at the ports of Novae, Oescus and Tomis (Constanta).
  • The ships used in the Fleet were the Liburnian, some of which had Rams.

Battle of Noviodunum (369 CE)

  • In 369 CE, the Battle of Noviodunum was fought on the opposite bank to Noviodunum between the Emperor Valens (364-375 CE) and a Germanic army.

Siege of Noviodunum (52 BCE)

  • The Battle is not to be confused with the earlier Siege of Noviodunum in 52 BCE, a town of the same name in Gaul, during the Gallic Wars (58-51 BCE).


Noviodunum, Isaccea, Roumania

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