Obelisks of Ancient Rome

  • The Romans were Impressed by the Obelisks they found in newly conquered Egypt, and in 10 BCE Augustus brought two Obelisks to Rome. Subsequent Emperors continued this trend.

Eight Obelisks were transported from Ancient Egypt

  1. Lateran Obelisk (10 BCE)
    • This was placed by Augustus on the spina of the Circus Maximus in 10 BCE. It is the largest and tallest obelisk in Rome.
    • It now stands in the Piazza di S. Giovanni en Laterano, 4, Caelian Hill, Rome, in front of the Lateran Palace.
  2. Obelisk of Montecitorio (10 BCE)
    • Also known as the Solare Obelisk was also brought to Rome by Augustus in 10 BCE.
    • It was used as a Gnomon in the Solarium Augusti in the Campus Martius. This was placed next to the Ara Pacis the Altar of Augustan Peace, and its shadow fell over the Altar on 23 September, Augustus’ Birthday.
    • Today it is in the Piazza Montecitorio.
  3. Vaticano Obelisk (37 CE)
    • Brought to Rome by Caligula in 37 CE and erected on the Spina of Circus of Nero (now under the Basilica of St.Peter).
    • Today, the Obelisk is in St. Peter’s Square.
  4.  Flaminio Obelisk (337 CE)
  5. Macuteo Obelisk
  6. Matteiano Obelisk
  7. Minerva Obelisk
  8. Dogali Obelisk

Five other Obelisks were made as Roman Copies

These copies were commissioned by the Roman Emperors.

  1. Agonalis Obelisk (81 CE)
    • Also known as the Obelisk of Domitian, it is now located in the Piazza Navona, Rome.
    • It was commissioned by Domitian in 81 CE as a monument to himself.
    • In 309 CE it was moved to the Circus of Maxentius.
  2. Esquiline Obelisk
  3. Pinciano Obelisk
  4. Sallustiano Obelisk
    • Location in the Piazza della Trinita dei Monti, Rome.
  5. Quirinale Obelisk


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