Sanctuary of Apollo at Delos

  • The Sanctuary of Delos is considered to be the birthplace of the twin Gods Apollo and Artemis. The Sanctuary consisted of three Temples to Apollo built between 575-390 BCE.
  • It is located on the island of Delos which has been a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1990. The whole Island is an Archeological site which holds many Remains, as well as the Ruins of the Three Temples of Apollo.

The Three Temples of Apollo

  • The First Temple of Apollo (c. 575 BCE)
    • This was constructed by the Athenians and was known as the Porinos Naos.
  • The Second Temple of Apollo (417 BCE)
    • This Temple was also built and dedicated by the Athenians and was known as the Oikos (House) of the Seven. It held seven statues including one of Apollo.
  • The Third Temple of Apollo (c.390 BCE)
    • This was known as the ‘Temple of the Delians’, and was the greatest of the three Temples dedicated to Apollo.
    • It was founded in 478 BCE, but only completed c. 390 BCE.

Archeological Museum of Delos

  • Located on the island, the museum holds a Collection of Statues, Pottery, Jewelry, Frescos and Mosaics, which were excavated from Delos.

National Archeological Museum of Athens

  • Many of the Artefacts excavated from Delos are also held in the National Archeology Museum of Athens.



575 BCE
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