St. Germain

  • Germanus of Auxerre (c. 380-c. 448 CE) was Bishop of Auxerre between 418-448 CE.
  • He travelled to Britain where he was influential in suppressing Pelagianism.

Early Life

  • He was born into a noble family in Auxerre, Gaul and died in Ravenna, Italy.
  • He was educated in Arles and Lyons before going on to study Law in Rome, where he was then appointed one of the six Dukes of Gaul, and based at Auxerre.
  • In 418 CE He was consecrated Bishop of Auxerre.

Missions to Britain (431-447 CE)

  • In 429 CE the Bishops of Britain requested assistance from Rome for help to oppose the influence of the Pelagian heretics.
  • In 431 CE St. Germain and Lupus of Troyes were sent by Pope Celestine to Britain, as his representatives. St. Patrick also apparently formed part of this mission to Britain.
  • En route St. Germain met the St. Genevieve who was a young girl who subsequently became a devoted Christian and future Patroness of Paris.
  • The Debate with the Pelagians was held at St. Albans where St. Germain succeeded in sidelining their arguments. He then founded new schools for the clergy in Britain, before leaving and returning to Gaul.
  • In 447 CE St. Germain returned to Britain with Severus, the Bishop of Trier, where he helped defeat a pirate raid by the the Saxons and Picts.
  • When he returned to Gaul, the Armoricans were going to be punished for a Rebellion in Brittany. In 448 CE St. Germain went to Italy to plead for leniency, where he was successful.
  • In 450 CE St. Germain died in Ravenna, and his body was sent back to Auxerre where he was buried. The location is now the Abbey of St.Germain in Auxerre.


  • The Hagiography of Constantius of Lyon written in 380 CE. He was a friend of Lupus of Troyes who had accompanied St. Germain to Britain.


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