Sumptuary Laws

  • The Sumptuary Laws, the ‘Sumptuariae Leges’, were a series of laws passed by the Roman Republic from 215 BCE onwards to regulate consumption.
  • The Laws were passed to limit expenditure on Banquets and Clothing, and were enforced by the Roman Censor.

Under The Roman Emperors

  • Under the Republic there was a specific Hierarchy of who could wear which type of Toga, which continued under the Emperors.
  • Only the Roman Emperor was permitted to wear a Purple Toga dyed with Murex
  • However, under the Roman Empire (27 BCE-476 CE) the Sumptuary Laws were not enforced, because displays of wealth became normal as the Empire grew rich.
  • But Roman Men were still prohibited from wearing Silk at the start of the Roman Empire.


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