
  • A Supplicatio was a day of Public Prayer when the Population of Rome travelled in a procession from one Temple to another to pray.
  • A Supplicatio would be awarded either after a great Prodigy or after a great military victory, usually before the General was awarded a Roman Triumph.

After a great Military Victory

  • The Supplicatio was ordered as a Thanksgiving, as soon as the news had been sent by the General.
  • The number of days of its duration depended on the importance of the Victory.
  • Usually, it lasted for one day, sometimes 3 to 5 days. Julius Caesar was awarded a Supplicatio of 15 days after his victory over the Belgae. After Caesar’s victory over Vercingetorix, a Supplicatio of 20 days was awarded.
  • The Supplicatio was usually awarded to the victorious General prior to being granted a Roman Triumph.

After a great Prodigy

  • The Supplicatio was ordered when dire circumstances dictated the appeasement of the Gods who had been made angry.
  • The circumstances varied from a Cosmic or Natural Event that had caused great Public danger or distress.


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