
  • Vienne is a cathedral city located on the River Rhone, 22 miles (35km) south of Lyon, in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alps Region of southeastern France.
  • It was the civitas of the Allobroges Gallic Tribe, known to the Romans as Vienna, not to be confused with modern Vienna in Austria, which the Romans called Vindobona. It was in the Province of Gallia Narbonensis.

Roman Sites

  • Vienne paired Roman Theatres
    • The only other paired Roman Theatres in Gaul are at Lyon.
  • Roman Temple of Augustus and Livia.
  • Truncated Roman Pyramid
    • This rests on a four arched Portico from Vienne Roman Circus.


  • Vienne Gallo Roman Museum
    • Located across the River Rhone from Vienne at RD 502, Saint-Romain-en-Gal.
    • The museum is built on an Archeological site and houses almost 4,000 artefacts excavated from the Roman Vienne, which includes mosaics, statues and a model reconstruction of the port and town.

Roman Roads

Vienne Gallo Roman Museum

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