
  • The Ruins of Viminacium, also called Municipium Aelium, lie 7 miles (12km) from Stari Kostolec in Serbia.
  • It was a Legionary Fortress and the capital of the Roman Province of Moesia Inferior. The Fort was occupied by the Legio VII Claudia between c.58-c.300 CE.

Roman Sites and Archeological Park

  • Viminacium Archaeological Park
    • Located at Put za Viminacium, Stari Kostolac, Serbia.
    • The Park is located on the site of the city of Viminaciuma and contains reconstructions and Remains of the Roman buildings, such as the Amphitheatre, Baths, Mausoleum and Tombs and parts of the Aqueduct.
    • The excavations found a complete Doctors set of instruments from the Army Hospital.

Instruments of an Eye Doctor

  • Excavations produced a rare set of eight instruments in a bronze box belonging to an eye doctor, for treating cataracts and trachoma, that are almost identical to modern instruments, showing that Roman Medicine was quite advanced.
  • The instruments consisted of tweezers, scalpels, needles, cataract needles, stone palette and a glass balsamarium. Also found were round flat pastilles bearing an inscription describing their contents as containing Saffron. They were kept in cartridges.

Roman Roads



Viminacium Archeological Park

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