
Dover Museum
  • Dover is a major Port in Kent with daily ferry services to the Continent and noted for its Norman castle. The Strait of Dover has the shortest sea crossing between England and the continent.
  • It was the location for one of the Saxon Shore Forts called Dubris.

Saxon Shore Forts

  • The Saxon Shore Forts were a chain of Roman Naval Forts in southeastern England that stretched from Portchester to the Wash, whose function was to defend the River estuaries and coastline from Pirate attacks by seaborne invaders.
  • The Forts date to the third century CE and are mentioned in a 4th century CE document known as the Notitia Dignitatum.

Roman Sites

  • Dover Roman Lighthouse
    • Located in Dover Castle grounds.
  • Dover Roman Fort (3rd century CE)
    • The few visible Ruins are in the Dover Discovery Centre adjacent to the Dover Museum.
    • The fort guarded the Strait of Dover.


  • Dover Museum
    • Located in Market Square, Dover.
    • On the ground floor, the Museum holds a Diorama of the arrival of Claudius at Richborough in 43 CE and various Roman Artefacts.
    • On the second floor is the Dover Bronze Age Boat Gallery and the Bronze Age Langdon Bay Hoard.

Roman Roads


Photo and Map: Dover Museum

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