Roman Navy Fleet List

  • The following is a list of Roman Fleets in each Province.
  • Classis means fleet in Latin.

List of Roman Fleets by Province


The Two Praetorian Fleets of Italy:

  • Misenum:
    • Portus Julius, Misenum (Ruins, near Naples):
      • Classis Misenensis 27 BCE – 324 CE
        • Abbreviation: ‘CL PR MIS (Classis Praetoriae Misenensis)
  • Ravenna:
  • Ostia (Ostia, Rome):
  • Aquileia
    • Classis Venetum 30 BCE  (until unknown date) Ruins in Aquileia.
  • Lake Como
    • Classis Comensis. They patrolled this largest Italian Lake. No records exist but the Ruins of a chain of bases remain.



Gallia Belgica

Gallia Lugdunensis

    • Rotomagus (Rouen, France):
      • Unit at operating along the Seine c. 400 CE
    • Lutetia (Paris, France):
      • Classis Anderetianorum. Operating on the R. Seine and R. Oise c. 400 CE
    • Caballodunum (Chalons-sur-Marne):
      • Classis Ararica. Operating on the R. Saone c.400 CE
    • Locus Quartensis:
    • Lugdunum (Lyon
      • Classis Fluminis Rhodani

Gallia Narbonensis

    • Arelate Arles
      • Classis Fluminis Rhodani
    • Massalia Marseille
      • Classis Fluminis Rhodani
    • Forum Julii Frejus (The Port of Claustra Maris or ‘Sea Bolt’)
      • Unknown Fleet

Gallia Aquitania


Germania Inferior

Germania Superior


    • Lake Constance:
      • Patrolled by an unknown naval unit.
    • Lake Neuchatel:
      • Castrum Ebredunense (Fortress) and Eburodunum (Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland)
        • Classis Barcariorum. Patrolled this largest Lake.

Pannonia Inferior:

Moesia Inferior

      • Comagena:
        • Classis Comaginensis
      • Arelape:
        • Classis Arlapensis et Maginensis
      • Lauriacum:
        • Classis Laureacensis
      • Dacia Ripensis:
        • Classis Ratianensis
      • Margo:
        • Classis Stradensis et Germensis
  • In 390 CE The two Danube fleets were combined into the Classis Histrica with home ports of Mursa, Florentia, Arruntum, Viminacum and Aegetae.


Chersonesus Taurica (Crimea)


  • Sea of Marmara:
    • Perinthus, (Marmara Ereglisi, 90 km west of Istanbul, Turkey)
      • Classis Perinthia. From 46 CE, controlling the Sea of Marmara, later united with the Classis Pontica.
    • Constantinople Istanbul: Harbour of Eleutherios (Harbour of Theodosius)
      • Classis Constantinople (no surviving records).
      • After 330 CE. The Roman Italian Fleets were moved to Constantinople and it became the base for the Byzantine Navy.

Provincia Insularum

  • Dodecanese
    • c.79-81 CE Titus created the Provincia Insularum (Province of Islands) meaning the Dodecanese Islands, with Rhodes as the Capital. Eventually the Dodecanese Islands were joined with Crete.
      • The Rhodian Navy had been abolished in 46 BCE and replaced by the Roman Navy, Units unknown.
  • Karpathos
    • Karpathos is halfway between Crete and Rhodes and the Capital is also called Karpathos.
      • Classis Carpathia created 390 CE. No surviving records.
  • Cyclades:
    • A Group of 220 Islands surrounding the Island of Delos controlled since Antiquity by Crete. The Cyclades were either assigned to the Province of Asia or Achaea, and later to Crete.
      • Naval unit unknown.





    • Ptolemais:
      • Classis Nova Libyca


Mauretania Caesariensis

    • Caesaria Mauretaniae Cherchell, Algeria.
      • Classis Mauretanica (created 170 CE)

Alphabetical List of Roman Fleets

  • A List of the above fleets in alphabetical order.


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